The ARDE/KUBAHO was founded in 2002 by students of the following national higher learning institutions: KIE, KIST, ISAE/Rubirizi, KHI, and farmer National University of Rwanda (NUR/Butare). The main ideas of the founding members were to contribute to the development of good environmental actions and research for the development of co-citizens. In 2007 some members (alumni) and other citizens (farmers, students, artists, development and social action agents, nurses, etc.), in their meeting held in Kigali on 09/12/2007, decided to found a Rwandan Association for Endogenous Development ARDE/KUBAHO, to contribute to the welfare of the most vulnerable Rwandan population.
IPFG is a non-profit making organization created in 2002 and legally registered by the Ministrerial Order N0 17/11 of 31 January 2006 which was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda O.G N0 10 bis of 15 May 2006. It is based in Gasaka Sector-Nyamagabe District- Southern Province. The founder members have created it after noticing that the 1994 genocide against Tutsi had caused so many consequences in our society among other things vulnerable groups including women and children. In that period, the Organization was trying to assist some small women associations from former Gikongoro Prefecture in combating poverty notably with farming and breeding. At the same time, IPFG (Initiative pour la Promotion de la femme de Gikongoro) was gathering the required documents for the obtaining of the Legal Status which was effectively obtained in 2006. In 2010, according to the organic law no 55/2008 of 10/07/2008 which governs non- government organizations in Rwanda, the IPFG’s members extended the vision of the Organization and changed its name, from the ″Initiative pour la Promotion de la Femme de Gikongoro ″ to the ″Initiative pour la Promotion de la Famille et du Genre″,IPFG, (=Initiative for Family and Gender Promotion). All of its members are anxious about the welfare and the complete development of the family based on the gender equality and the participation of the man and the woman in all programs which aim to reinforce fairness and democracy.