To promote CSOs oversight and engagement in the national Covid-19 emergency response and ensure greater cooperation between government and civil society in addressing the effects of Covid-19.

Specific objectives:
1. To strengthen and expand the inclusion of special interest groups (including women, at-risk youth and people with disabilities) in the Covid-19 response, and
2. To understand the barriers they face in relation to both their participation and their operations and advocate for responsive actions.
3. Showcasing the continued value of civil society in addressing the effects of Covid-19.
Key interventions
- Monitor the implementation of anti Covid-19 measures issued in Rwanda in relation to the promotion of Human Rights and keeping Civic Space healthy.
- Develop simplified briefers comparing these issued measures with international standards and advising on good practices,
- Organize consultative meetings with CSOs to discuss the role of Civil Society addressing the effects of Covid-19 while keeping the Civic Space healthy,
-Engage Media in dissemination of information related to the Human Rights and Civic Space in periods of the pandemic, as well as conducting related advocacy activities.